Token Information
Token Symbol: XOXO
Contract Address: 0xf9430aD8da4af7fb4091C57FE523af1236FF5b2C
Chain: Avalanche (C-Chain)
Max Supply: 30,000,000
Token Distribution
Total Supply: 30,000,000 XOXO
Allocation Category | % of Total Supply | Number of Tokens |
Initial Liquidity Offering | 0.333% | 100,000 |
Partnership, Marketing & Liquidity Management | 9% | 2,700,000 |
Development | 4% | 1,200,000 |
Treasury | 6% | 1,800,000 |
Rewards Allocated For Community | 80.67% | 24,200,000 |
Initial Supply & Vesting Schedule
Allocation Category | Number of Tokens | Vesting Schedule |
Initial Liquidity Offering | 100,000 | Immediate |
Partnership, Marketing & Liquidity Management | 2,700,000 | Linearly over 9 months |
Development | 1,200,000 | Linear over 1 year |
Initial Rewards to Community | 1,200,000 | Distributed over 16 weeks |
Boosted Rewards | 1,200,000 | 3 months, 1 year or 2 years |
Farm Rewards & Trade Mining | 21,800,000 | Linear over 3 years |
Treasury | 1,800,000 | Linear over 3 years |
Last updated